Question & Answer
How soon can you deliver and set up?
We can occassional stage same day but prefer a minimum of 3 days. The more notice we have the better. We can take more time to plan deatils and ensure we have the date you want for staging.
Do you have furniture for luxury homes?
Yes, for luxury homes over a million, we go out and measure, hand pick furniture and usually purchase new pieces to fit that specific home.
Do you include all the accessories and art?
Yes, if you're ordering vacant home staging, all orders include art, accessories, bedding, pillows, etc.
How do I set up staging? I’m a Realtor or Property Owner.
Call, text or email us with your first and last name, property address you'd like staged, price range, square footage of home, the rooms you’d like staged and the approximate date you’de like staging to occur. We will also request you send photos via text or email.
Do you deliver and set up?
Yes, all orders include delivery and pick up. Furniture will be assembles and placed appropriatly.
What is the initial rental time frame?
Rental times vary based on season and demand. Call for current time frame.
How does billing work?
We will send you an invoice via email and you can pay online. All payment are due a minimum of 3 days prior to staging.
What are the renewal options?
We offer 2, 5 and 10 week renewals.
How do I get furniture rental as a stager?
You need to schedule an onbaording call to go over the order process. Home Stagers have access to our private website and can see inventory in live time.
What do you need from me to schedule an onboarding call?
Basic info like your first and last name, your company name, phone number and email address. In addition to at least two days and times you’ll be available for a call. We are available Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.